
Noblis CoEs Host Hackathon to Nurture Cross-Company Collaboration
In the spirit of collaboration, Noblis employees and interns came together for a Hackathon entitled, “All Systems Go.” The event was led by the Systems Engineering Center of Excellence (SECoE), and was centered around two challenges: “Predicting Federal Government Adoption of Next Generation Technologies” and “Machine Learning.” The purpose of the Hackathon was to challenge employees and interns to solve complex ...
National Intern Day 2018: Learn about Noblis’ Internship Program
This year, Noblis joins the ranks alongside several other esteemed organizations to pledge to celebrate National Intern Day, a campaign from the career company WayUp. According to WayUp, this campaign “encourages employers to celebrate, empower and recognize Interns” and is celebrated on July 26. Interns at Noblis this summer ...
Noblis Launches Mentorship Program Across the Organization
This June, Noblis launched a company-wide mentorship program, available to employees of all career levels, at all offices across the country. The program was created in response to feedback from employees. While reviewing the responses to employee engagement surveys as we do each year, we saw that mentorship was a high-interest topic,” Organization Development Strategist Jay Liwanag said. “After that, we conducted studies and examined best practices for ...
Noblis Employees Unite in Offices Across the Country; Serve Operation Homefront and Local Charities
This June, Noblis held the company’s summer installment of “Noblis United,” a three-times yearly event that unites employees across all 10 Noblis offices. During the event, it was announced that Noblis has been named a “Top Workplace” for the fifth year in a row, and employees got the ...